Notes from paultag

Domo Arigato, Mr. debugfs


Paul Tagliamonte

Years ago, at what I think I remember was DebConf 15, I hacked for a while on debhelper to write build-ids to debian binary control files, so that the build-id (more specifically, the ELF note .note.gnu.build-id) wound up in the Debian apt archive metadata. I’ve always thought this was super cool, and seeing as how Michael Stapelberg blogged some great pointers around the ecosystem, including the fancy new debuginfod service, and the find-dbgsym-packages helper, which uses these same headers, I don’t think I’m the only one.

At work I’ve been using a lot of rust, specifically, async rust using tokio. To try and work on my style, and to dig deeper into the how and why of the decisions made in these frameworks, I’ve decided to hack up a project that I’ve wanted to do ever since 2015 – write a debug filesystem. Let’s get to it.

Back to the Future

Time to admit something. I really love Plan 9. It’s just so good. So many ideas from Plan 9 are just so prescient, and everything just feels right. Not just right like, feels good – like, correct. The bit that I’ve always liked the most is 9p, the network protocol for serving a filesystem over a network. This leads to all sorts of fun programs, like the Plan 9 ftp client being a 9p server – you mount the ftp server and access files like any other files. It’s kinda like if fuse were more fully a part of how the operating system worked, but fuse is all running client-side. With 9p there’s a single client, and different servers that you can connect to, which may be backed by a hard drive, remote resources over something like SFTP, FTP, HTTP or even purely synthetic.

The interesting (maybe sad?) part here is that 9p wound up outliving Plan 9 in terms of adoption – 9p is in all sorts of places folks don’t usually expect. For instance, the Windows Subsystem for Linux uses the 9p protocol to share files between Windows and Linux. ChromeOS uses it to share files with Crostini, and qemu uses 9p (virtio-p9) to share files between guest and host. If you’re noticing a pattern here, you’d be right; for some reason 9p is the go-to protocol to exchange files between hypervisor and guest. Why? I have no idea, except maybe due to being designed well, simple to implement, and it’s a lot easier to validate the data being shared and validate security boundaries. Simplicity has its value.

As a result, there’s a lot of lingering 9p support kicking around. Turns out Linux can even handle mounting 9p filesystems out of the box. This means that I can deploy a filesystem to my LAN or my localhost by running a process on top of a computer that needs nothing special, and mount it over the network on an unmodified machine – unlike fuse, where you’d need client-specific software to run in order to mount the directory. For instance, let’s mount a 9p filesystem running on my localhost machine, serving requests on (tcp) that goes by the name “mountpointname” to /mnt.

$ mount -t 9p \
  -o trans=tcp,port=564,version=9p2000.u,aname=mountpointname \ \

Linux will mount away, and attach to the filesystem as the root user, and by default, attach to that mountpoint again for each local user that attempts to use it. Nifty, right? I think so. The server is able to keep track of per-user access and authorization along with the host OS.


Since I wanted to push myself a bit more with rust and tokio specifically, I opted to implement the whole stack myself, without third party libraries on the critical path where I could avoid it. The 9p protocol (sometimes called Styx, the original name for it) is incredibly simple. It’s a series of client to server requests, which receive a server to client response. These are, respectively, “T” messages, which transmit a request to the server, which trigger an “R” message in response (Reply messages). These messages are TLV payload with a very straight forward structure – so straight forward, in fact, that I was able to implement a working server off nothing more than a handful of man pages.

Later on after the basics worked, I found a more complete spec page that contains more information about the unix specific variant that I opted to use (9P2000.u rather than 9P2000) due to the level of Linux specific support for the 9P2000.u variant over the 9P2000 protocol.


The backend stack over at zoo is rust and tokio running i/o for an HTTP and WebRTC server. I figured I’d pick something fairly similar to write my filesystem with, since 9P can be implemented on basically anything with I/O. That means tokio tcp server bits, which construct and use a 9p server, which has an idiomatic Rusty API that partially abstracts the raw R and T messages, but not so much as to cause issues with hiding implementation possibilities. At each abstraction level, there’s an escape hatch – allowing someone to implement any of the layers if required. I called this framework arigato which can be found over on docs.rs and crates.io.

/// Simplified version of the arigato File trait; this isn't actually
/// the same trait; there's some small cosmetic differences. The
/// actual trait can be found at:
/// https://docs.rs/arigato/latest/arigato/server/trait.File.html
trait File {
    /// OpenFile is the type returned by this File via an Open call.
    type OpenFile: OpenFile;

    /// Return the 9p Qid for this file. A file is the same if the Qid is
    /// the same. A Qid contains information about the mode of the file,
    /// version of the file, and a unique 64 bit identifier.
    fn qid(&self) -> Qid;

    /// Construct the 9p Stat struct with metadata about a file.
    async fn stat(&self) -> FileResult<Stat>;

    /// Attempt to update the file metadata.
    async fn wstat(&mut self, s: &Stat) -> FileResult<()>;

    /// Traverse the filesystem tree.
    async fn walk(&self, path: &[&str]) -> FileResult<(Option<Self>, Vec<Self>)>;

    /// Request that a file's reference be removed from the file tree.
    async fn unlink(&mut self) -> FileResult<()>;

    /// Create a file at a specific location in the file tree.
    async fn create(
        &mut self,
        name: &str,
        perm: u16,
        ty: FileType,
        mode: OpenMode,
        extension: &str,
    ) -> FileResult<Self>;

    /// Open the File, returning a handle to the open file, which handles
    /// file i/o. This is split into a second type since it is genuinely
    /// unrelated -- and the fact that a file is Open or Closed can be
    /// handled by the `arigato` server for us.
    async fn open(&mut self, mode: OpenMode) -> FileResult<Self::OpenFile>;

/// Simplified version of the arigato OpenFile trait; this isn't actually
/// the same trait; there's some small cosmetic differences. The
/// actual trait can be found at:
/// https://docs.rs/arigato/latest/arigato/server/trait.OpenFile.html
trait OpenFile {
    /// iounit to report for this file. The iounit reported is used for Read
    /// or Write operations to signal, if non-zero, the maximum size that is
    /// guaranteed to be transferred atomically.
    fn iounit(&self) -> u32;

    /// Read some number of bytes up to `buf.len()` from the provided
    /// `offset` of the underlying file. The number of bytes read is
    /// returned.
    async fn read_at(
        &mut self,
        buf: &mut [u8],
        offset: u64,
    ) -> FileResult<u32>;

    /// Write some number of bytes up to `buf.len()` from the provided
    /// `offset` of the underlying file. The number of bytes written
    /// is returned.
    fn write_at(
        &mut self,
        buf: &mut [u8],
        offset: u64,
    ) -> FileResult<u32>;

Thanks, decade ago paultag!

Let’s do it! Let’s use arigato to implement a 9p filesystem we’ll call debugfs that will serve all the debug files shipped according to the Packages metadata from the apt archive. We’ll fetch the Packages file and construct a filesystem based on the reported Build-Id entries. For those who don’t know much about how an apt repo works, here’s the 2-second crash course on what we’re doing. The first is to fetch the Packages file, which is specific to a binary architecture (such as amd64, arm64 or riscv64). That architecture is specific to a component (such as main, contrib or non-free). That component is specific to a suite, such as stable, unstable or any of its aliases (bullseye, bookworm, etc). Let’s take a look at the Packages.xz file for the unstable-debug suite, main component, for all amd64 binaries.

$ curl \
    https://deb.debian.org/debian-debug/dists/unstable-debug/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz \
    | unxz

This will return the Debian-style rfc2822-like headers, which is an export of the metadata contained inside each .deb file which apt (or other tools that can use the apt repo format) use to fetch information about debs. Let’s take a look at the debug headers for the netlabel-tools package in unstable – which is a package named netlabel-tools-dbgsym in unstable-debug.

Package: netlabel-tools-dbgsym
Source: netlabel-tools (0.30.0-1)
Version: 0.30.0-1+b1
Installed-Size: 79
Maintainer: Paul Tagliamonte <paultag@debian.org>
Architecture: amd64
Depends: netlabel-tools (= 0.30.0-1+b1)
Description: debug symbols for netlabel-tools
Auto-Built-Package: debug-symbols
Build-Ids: e59f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a
Description-md5: a0e587a0cf730c88a4010f78562e6db7
Section: debug
Priority: optional
Filename: pool/main/n/netlabel-tools/netlabel-tools-dbgsym_0.30.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
Size: 62776
SHA256: 0e9bdb087617f0350995a84fb9aa84541bc4df45c6cd717f2157aa83711d0c60

So here, we can parse the package headers in the Packages.xz file, and store, for each Build-Id, the Filename where we can fetch the .deb at. Each .deb contains a number of files – but we’re only really interested in the files inside the .deb located at or under /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/, which you can find in debugfs under rfc822.rs. It’s crude, and very single-purpose, but I’m feeling a bit lazy.

Who needs dpkg?!

For folks who haven’t seen it yet, a .deb file is a special type of .ar file, that contains (usually) three files inside – debian-binary, control.tar.xz and data.tar.xz. The core of an .ar file is a fixed size (60 byte) entry header, followed by the specified size number of bytes.

[8 byte .ar file magic]
[60 byte entry header]
[N bytes of data]
[60 byte entry header]
[N bytes of data]
[60 byte entry header]
[N bytes of data]

First up was to implement a basic ar parser in ar.rs. Before we get into using it to parse a deb, as a quick diversion, let’s break apart a .deb file by hand – something that is a bit of a rite of passage (or at least it used to be? I’m getting old) during the Debian nm (new member) process, to take a look at where exactly the .debug file lives inside the .deb file.

$ ar x netlabel-tools-dbgsym_0.30.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
$ ls
control.tar.xz  debian-binary
data.tar.xz     netlabel-tools-dbgsym_0.30.0-1+b1_amd64.deb
$ tar --list -f data.tar.xz | grep '.debug$'

Since we know quite a bit about the structure of a .deb file, and I had to implement support from scratch anyway, I opted to implement a (very!) basic debfile parser using HTTP Range requests. HTTP Range requests, if supported by the server (denoted by a accept-ranges: bytes HTTP header in response to an HTTP HEAD request to that file) means that we can add a header such as range: bytes=8-68 to specifically request that the returned GET body be the byte range provided (in the above case, the bytes starting from byte offset 8 until byte offset 68). This means we can fetch just the ar file entry from the .deb file until we get to the file inside the .deb we are interested in (in our case, the data.tar.xz file) – at which point we can request the body of that file with a final range request. I wound up writing a struct to handle a read_at-style API surface in hrange.rs, which we can pair with ar.rs above and start to find our data in the .deb remotely without downloading and unpacking the .deb at all.

After we have the body of the data.tar.xz coming back through the HTTP response, we get to pipe it through an xz decompressor (this kinda sucked in Rust, since a tokio AsyncRead is not the same as an http Body response is not the same as std::io::Read, is not the same as an async (or sync) Iterator is not the same as what the xz2 crate expects; leading me to read blocks of data to a buffer and stuff them through the decoder by looping over the buffer for each lzma2 packet in a loop), and tarfile parser (similarly troublesome). From there we get to iterate over all entries in the tarfile, stopping when we reach our file of interest. Since we can’t seek, but gdb needs to, we’ll pull it out of the stream into a Cursor<Vec<u8>> in-memory and pass a handle to it back to the user.

From here on out its a matter of gluing together a File traited struct in debugfs, and serving the filesystem over TCP using arigato. Done deal!

A quick diversion about compression

I was originally hoping to avoid transferring the whole tar file over the network (and therefore also reading the whole debug file into ram, which objectively sucks), but quickly hit issues with figuring out a way around seeking around an xz file. What’s interesting is xz has a great primitive to solve this specific problem (specifically, use a block size that allows you to seek to the block as close to your desired seek position just before it, only discarding at most block size - 1 bytes), but data.tar.xz files generated by dpkg appear to have a single mega-huge block for the whole file. I don’t know why I would have expected any different, in retrospect. That means that this now devolves into the base case of “How do I seek around an lzma2 compressed data stream”; which is a lot more complex of a question.

Thankfully, notoriously brilliant tianon was nice enough to introduce me to Jon Johnson who did something super similar – adapted a technique to seek inside a compressed gzip file, which lets his service oci.dag.dev seek through Docker container images super fast based on some prior work such as soci-snapshotter, gztool, and zran.c. He also pulled this party trick off for apk based distros over at apk.dag.dev, which seems apropos. Jon was nice enough to publish a lot of his work on this specifically in a central place under the name “targz” on his GitHub, which has been a ton of fun to read through.

The gist is that, by dumping the decompressor’s state (window of previous bytes, in-memory data derived from the last N-1 bytes) at specific “checkpoints” along with the compressed data stream offset in bytes and decompressed offset in bytes, one can seek to that checkpoint in the compressed stream and pick up where you left off – creating a similar “block” mechanism against the wishes of gzip. It means you’d need to do an O(n) run over the file, but every request after that will be sped up according to the number of checkpoints you’ve taken.

Given the complexity of xz and lzma2, I don’t think this is possible for me at the moment – especially given most of the files I’ll be requesting will not be loaded from again – especially when I can “just” cache the debug header by Build-Id. I want to implement this (because I’m generally curious and Jon has a way of getting someone excited about compression schemes, which is not a sentence I thought I’d ever say out loud), but for now I’m going to move on without this optimization. Such a shame, since it kills a lot of the work that went into seeking around the .deb file in the first place, given the debian-binary and control.tar.gz members are so small.

The Good

First, the good news right? It works! That’s pretty cool. I’m positive my younger self would be amused and happy to see this working; as is current day paultag. Let’s take debugfs out for a spin! First, we need to mount the filesystem. It even works on an entirely unmodified, stock Debian box on my LAN, which is huge. Let’s take it for a spin:

$ mount \
  -t 9p \
  -o trans=tcp,version=9p2000.u,aname=unstable-debug \ \

And, let’s prove to ourselves that this actually mounted before we go trying to use it:

$ mount | grep build-id on /usr/lib/debug/.build-id type 9p (rw,relatime,aname=unstable-debug,access=user,trans=tcp,version=9p2000.u,port=564)

Slick. We’ve got an open connection to the server, where our host will keep a connection alive as root, attached to the filesystem provided in aname. Let’s take a look at it.

$ ls /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/ 
00  0d  1a  27  34  41  4e  5b  68  75  82  8E  9b  a8  b5  c2  CE  db  e7  f3
01  0e  1b  28  35  42  4f  5c  69  76  83  8f  9c  a9  b6  c3  cf  dc  E7  f4
02  0f  1c  29  36  43  50  5d  6a  77  84  90  9d  aa  b7  c4  d0  dd  e8  f5
03  10  1d  2a  37  44  51  5e  6b  78  85  91  9e  ab  b8  c5  d1  de  e9  f6
04  11  1e  2b  38  45  52  5f  6c  79  86  92  9f  ac  b9  c6  d2  df  ea  f7
05  12  1f  2c  39  46  53  60  6d  7a  87  93  a0  ad  ba  c7  d3  e0  eb  f8
06  13  20  2d  3a  47  54  61  6e  7b  88  94  a1  ae  bb  c8  d4  e1  ec  f9
07  14  21  2e  3b  48  55  62  6f  7c  89  95  a2  af  bc  c9  d5  e2  ed  fa
08  15  22  2f  3c  49  56  63  70  7d  8a  96  a3  b0  bd  ca  d6  e3  ee  fb
09  16  23  30  3d  4a  57  64  71  7e  8b  97  a4  b1  be  cb  d7  e4  ef  fc
0a  17  24  31  3e  4b  58  65  72  7f  8c  98  a5  b2  bf  cc  d8  E4  f0  fd
0b  18  25  32  3f  4c  59  66  73  80  8d  99  a6  b3  c0  cd  d9  e5  f1  fe
0c  19  26  33  40  4d  5a  67  74  81  8e  9a  a7  b4  c1  ce  da  e6  f2  ff

Outstanding. Let’s try using gdb to debug a binary that was provided by the Debian archive, and see if it’ll load the ELF by build-id from the right .deb in the unstable-debug suite:

$ gdb -q /usr/sbin/netlabelctl
Reading symbols from /usr/sbin/netlabelctl...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug...

Yes! Yes it will!

$ file /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter *empty*, BuildID[sha1]=e59f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, with debug_info, not stripped

The Bad

Linux’s support for 9p is mainline, which is great, but it’s not robust. Network issues or server restarts will wedge the mountpoint (Linux can’t reconnect when the tcp connection breaks), and things that work fine on local filesystems get translated in a way that causes a lot of network chatter – for instance, just due to the way the syscalls are translated, doing an ls, will result in a stat call for each file in the directory, even though linux had just got a stat entry for every file while it was resolving directory names. On top of that, Linux will serialize all I/O with the server, so there’s no concurrent requests for file information, writes, or reads pending at the same time to the server; and read and write throughput will degrade as latency increases due to increasing round-trip time, even though there are offsets included in the read and write calls. It works well enough, but is frustrating to run up against, since there’s not a lot you can do server-side to help with this beyond implementing the 9P2000.L variant (which, maybe is worth it).

The Ugly

Unfortunately, we don’t know the file size(s) until we’ve actually opened the underlying tar file and found the correct member, so for most files, we don’t know the real size to report when getting a stat. We can’t parse the tarfiles for every stat call, since that’d make ls even slower (bummer). Only hiccup is that when I report a filesize of zero, gdb throws a bit of a fit; let’s try with a size of 0 to start:

$ ls -lah /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Dec 31  1969 /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
$ gdb -q /usr/sbin/netlabelctl
Reading symbols from /usr/sbin/netlabelctl...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug...

warning: Discarding section .note.gnu.build-id which has a section size (24) larger than the file size [in module /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug]


This obviously won’t work since gdb will throw away all our hard work because of stat’s output, and neither will loading the real size of the underlying file. That only leaves us with hardcoding a file size and hope nothing else breaks significantly as a result. Let’s try it again:

$ ls -lah /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 954M Dec 31  1969 /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug
$ gdb -q /usr/sbin/netlabelctl
Reading symbols from /usr/sbin/netlabelctl...
Reading symbols from /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/e5/9f81f6573dadd5d95a6e4474d9388ab2777e2a.debug...

Much better. I mean, terrible but better. Better for now, anyway.

Kilroy was here

Do I think this is a particularly good idea? I mean; kinda. I’m probably going to make some fun 9p arigato-based filesystems for use around my LAN, but I don’t think I’ll be moving to use debugfs until I can figure out how to ensure the connection is more resilient to changing networks, server restarts and fixes on i/o performance. I think it was a useful exercise and is a pretty great hack, but I don’t think this’ll be shipping anywhere anytime soon.

Along with me publishing this post, I’ve pushed up all my repos; so you should be able to play along at home! There’s a lot more work to be done on arigato; but it does handshake and successfully export a working 9P2000.u filesystem. Check it out on on my github at arigato, debugfs and also on crates.io and docs.rs.

At least I can say I was here and I got it working after all these years.